1) If You Pluck... More Will Grow. FALSE!
This is something that we hear all the time in the salon, and frankly its a myth. If you pluck out a grey hair you will not gain more.Hair goes gray when color-producing cells stop producing pigment, Naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide can also build up in the hair, bleaching the color.
Typically, caucasians start going gray in their mid-30s, but can have premature grey before 20. Asians in their late 30s, and African-Americans in their mid-40s but can have premature grey before 30. Half of all people have a significant amount of gray hair by the time they turn 50. But there are plenty of options for embracing, covering or blending grey hair.
2) You Must be Old if your Grey. FALSE!
Finding your first gray hair can be stressful but don’t worry, it happens to everyone and there are many ways we can conceal it. Many people start seeing gray hair in their 20s and 30s, so if you start seeing some grays sprouting up, you’re not alone! Contrary to popular belief, stress has not been shown to cause gray hair. Scientists don’t know exactly why some people go gray early, but genes play a large role.
Also, a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause premature graying that’s reversible if the problem is corrected.
3) Salt and Pepper, is Always Natural. FALSE!
Maybe you have started going grey and want to embrace it, but your of that beautiful salt and pepper hair, and wishing you could have had that type of grey instead. Well chances are, the salt and pepper hair you are envious of is colored. While there are some that are extremely luck to have this occur naturally, most of us are not so fortunate. However we are fortunate enough to have colorists that can help us achieve his look with a few simple highlights or lowlights. This will allow you to take a few years off perceptually or give you an artistic blend while you are growing out your grey. The upkeep is minimal financially compared to all over coloring.
4)All at Home Box Color covers 100% of Grey Hair. FALSE!
The problem with at home box color is that there are many unclear choices out there. Some will permanently color hair and cover the gray. However you have to be able to choose the right color. Unfortunately most people are not able too and end up with roots that do not match. Then you have to look out for demi-permanent color that will be labeled with creative descriptions such as a cast of color. These will not cover grey 100%. When in doubt, make an appointment with a professional.
5) Grey Hair will Always be Dull, and Leave you Looking Old. FALSE!
So you want to embrace the grey, but you feel like it will forever be dull and yellow. The amazing this about hair care products today is that colorists can tone grey. This gets rid of that dull, lifeless, yellow tint and leaves the hair with a white or silver radiant shine. Combine that with an amazing haircut and you can go from granny to fabulous.
Thinking about what to do with your color? Clark Russell Salon stylists offer complimentary consultations. Call 925.299.8814 to set up your appointment.